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Welcome tothe home for vaping on reddit. Inciting vote manipulation or harassment from other sites will also result in a ban. Posts that do not bester single chat these rules will be removed. If you wish to contact him send a private message instead. Im interested in the Sigelei 75tc and the iStick60tc. If there are any others that compete with those please list them. As of now im leaning more towards the iStick because of the battery. I here the 75w doesnt have the best battery life. bester single chat I've had no problems with functionality, but the battery life is garbage. It's primarily my home mod for that reason. When going out with it, which is rare, I take an extra battery with me in one of those silicon cases. If I want to continue using it above 30 watts I have to change batteries long before it's been completely drained. AngelCigs has it up for pre-order if you're interested. They are both single 18650 battery mods and both of them are great. As long as you're going to have 2 batteries so you can use one while charging one battery consumption should not be a worry for you. I personally use three batteries with my single battery mods. I use one in my mod, and have two in my battery charger. This way I always have two batteries fully charged. You were not using 7 watts. The workaround for it is to put it into joules mode even though it is not tc metal in the coil. Max out the temp 572F. Then whatever you set your joules at that is approx. It works great that way. The istick 60tc is a perfectly good mod as well, with no problems. Based on the pictures I've seen, I prefer the M, less logo-y. Also has a pass through mode, so you can get an ungregulated, mach style vape should you so choose. With that said, I could, and likely will, be using mine for as long as I vape. I dont want to rely on a horrible app to change features on my mod ya know. If you guys have any insight on the Cube 2 some input would be great.
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